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Town Hall: Sen. Keith Ingram & Tom Masseau, Executive Director of Disability Rights Arkansas

In this town hall session, I was pleased to be joined by Tom Masseau, Executive Director of Disability Rights Arkansas since 2013. Tom has over 30 years of experience advocating for the rights of individuals with disabilities, having served as the Executive Director of Disability Rights Wisconsin, and he worked at Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service, Inc. since 1987 serving as the Director of Government & Media Relations from 2002 to 2012. Throughout his roles, he has provided strategic direction and leadership on public policy efforts at the state and federal levels; represented the agencies position and interest on issues before State legislatures and Congress; and coordinated the agencies’ media relations activities.

In this town hall session, Tom and I discuss the over 3,000 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Arkansas that are currently on the waiting list to receive services at home in their communities; addressing this issue moving forward, and more.


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