Keith has been and will continue to be a dedicated advocate for better healthcare services for Eastern Arkansas.
Keith co-sponsored and voted to establish the Arkansas Public Option now known as Arkansas Works. Through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it has provided affordable healthcare for over three hundred thousand Arkansans, including tens of thousands in Eastern Arkansas. He continues to fight for this critical coverage amid threats of drastic changes to the state health care funding structure.
Keith understands the critical role local and rural hospitals play in our communities. They are often significant job creators – employing talented healthcare professionals who save lives. He co-sponsored legislation to create a trauma network throughout Arkansas, which health officials believe could save as many as 200 lives each year. Keith was also responsible for legislation that brought additional funding into Arkansas hospitals, which in some cases made the difference in some rural hospitals keeping their doors open.
He’s also helped protect local pharmacies in Arkansas, voting in 2018 to make sure our local independent pharmacists get the same treatment as corporate pharmacy providers. He wanted to make sure large corporations and our locally owned rural pharmacies were “playing by the same rules.” Corporations shouldn’t have an unfair advantage when competing against family-owned-and-operated businesses in Arkansas.