May 23, 2019

Weekly Address — May 23, 2019

As a legislator, it’s always gratifying to see quick results when we pass a new law.

It’s especially satisfying when the new law produces millions of dollars in long term savings for the people in your district.

It’s happening in Phillips County, where the county has already begun installing solar panels, in order to take advantage of three Senate bills enacted by the legislature earlier this year. I was the lead sponsor of one of the bills.

In a nutshell, one bill cuts through regulatory red tape that used to slow down the process of creating solar power systems.

The other two bills allow local governments more financing options if they decide to expand their use of alternate energy sources.

Phillips County is scheduled to have its new solar panels in place by the fall of this year. When they’re up and running, they will provide electric power for the court house, the health department building and a staff building.

Over the life of the 30 year project, it will save the county more than $2 million. If it turns out to be as successful as predicted, the county can easily expand the capacity of the solar network in the future.

It’s gratifying to know that eastern Arkansas and the delta are in the lead when it comes to taking advantage of new sources of clean energy, such as solar power.

Finally, I’d like to wish all of you a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend, and I urge you to remember the meaning of this uniquely American holiday.

It was originally called Decoration Day, when widows and families would decorate the graves of fallen soldiers.

Although Memorial Day will officially be on Monday, please dedicate a special time over the weekend to honor the men and women who have died while serving in the U. S. military.

From the Capitol, it is always my great honor and sincere privilege to serve you as your state Senator. This is Keith Ingram.